As he sets out upon adventure in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins draws mockery from his dear friends for endlessly looking over his shoulder, sighing and "muttering: 'Shall I ever look down into that valley again, I wonder,' and things like that." As I begin packing, it has occurred to me that there are certain views and delights of Hyde Hall that I have enjoyed a hundred times and shown my family & friends but never described on the blog. A little brief and a little late, but I thought I might make amends for that now.
Andy T's Aussie Border (or less informally, the Australia & New Zealand Garden created by Andy Tebbutt). Anemanthele grass, white libertia, glorious eucalyptus trees - and best of all, tall blue-flowered Solanum laciniatum which appeared as weeds but being Australian were hastily added to the party's guestlist. |
Amaryllis belladonna (left) and an Albizia tree (above) flower in the Dry Garden, which naturally comes into its own during the burning heat of late summer. |
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