Ahhh maple syrup. I must visit Canada one day! I have not made this ambition a secret; indeed, one friend recently bought me a tub of maple-flavoured peanut butter and a map of the country. I was talking to a Canadian last week, and he told me that they fear moose attacks more than those of bears! Remarkable. Anyway, on to the national emblem, producer of syrup and all-round-good-guy, the maple tree.
Acer saccharum, "Sugar Maple".
(Deciduous tree.)
Planting: As soon as they fall from the tree (autumn).
Flowering: Early spring (after fifteen years).
Aspect: Full sun to part shade.
Hardiness: Fully hardy.
Notes: Although their autumnal red foliage is world-renowned, shades can also range through orange to bright yellow.
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